Hot on the heels of the news that Wynn Casino is coming to the UAE, a new expat family law which came into effect on February 1st will allow for express marriages Vegas style. Last year over 1,000 tourists got married in Abu Dhabi alone.
Couples of a mixed faith can now obtain a civil wedding licence in 24 hours. This means tourists and residents alike will be able to wed in Dubai.
The new law (Federal personal status law) is to reinforce the UAE’s position as a destination for tolerance, family stability, and diversity. The new law will also cover other such matters as divorce, child custody and inheritance. As long as both parties have a passport and visa from a country where Sharia law does not apply all will be well.
Civil marriage conditions
- The spouses shall not be less than 18 years old. Their age shall be verified by the document issued by the state of their nationality.
- Both spouses are required to give consent to the marriage before the authentication judge, and prove that there is no legal impediment that prevents the marriage.
- Both spouses are required to sign the declaration form.
- Marriage shall not be established between siblings, or with children, grandchildren, or uncles.
- Any other conditions prescribed in a decision of the chairman.

Since December 2021 for non-muslim couples to get married the numbers have seen a constant increase. Over 600 couples tied the knot in November of 2021.
A report in the Times confirms couples from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Israel have made the trip to Abu Dhabi Civil Family Court in the past year, due to the speed at which they can marry.