The Insider Visits: SLAW

“If you can’t decide between two, have both”
SLAW doesn’t need our introduction; chances are you have heard of it already. If you haven’t, extreme burger fans read on.
Dubai, the city of convenience where you literally can have it then more has become something of Burger show-downtown in recent years.
No sooner has one become “The best burger award” then another appears and then another. We like awards, it helps steer us to people who have worked hard to get them. Lucky for you, SLAW is an award-winning burger establishment. But when we visited, we realised it was far more than we thought.

This glazed burger is insane and you won’t find one anywhere else than SLAW
We are fans of the current “best burger in Dubai award” establishment and we rightly so thought long and hard about visiting SLAW. In the end, we decided to go and see for ourselves. Founded by Chef Ali Yazdi, aka Mr. SLAW who is also a biomedical engineer. However, he became so enamored with cooking for friends and family that Mr SLAW was born.

Our choice of venue was the Jumeirah branch and Ali kindly made time to meet us. The first thing you notice is that SLAW is a nice place to be, it’s detailed, far from plain and uninviting (like other burger places), it’s got a real diner feel to it. Clearly Ali wants you to stay for a while, relax and enjoy your time. Which is great, because any burger place you have been too – do you ever stay long after your food? No, you just leave and get on with your day. Not at SLAW. It’s time to slow down.

Ali greets us and shows the menu. This is where SLAW stands out from the crowd. Firstly, pescatarians are welcome as fish is on the menu. As are truffle fries and elaborate beef burgers and Sandos in any variation you can think of. If not, take a parma salad, cheesy jalapenos or skip straight to dessert for cinnabites.
As we scan the menu back and forth between options there is a long pause as we just can’t make up our minds and point up at the menu like children. Ali offers help “If you can’t decide, take both. That’s what I say.” A man after my own heart then.
SLAWs menu expands on your typical burger joint and then some so it has something for everyone and although you can have your usual sando, you can also have a lot more.

In comparison when we went back to our default place after visiting SLAW (due to nothing more than where we were at the time), the menu looked plain in comparison and so did the environment. While others do focus on the food and the brand for your burger, many if not all seem like excellent evolutions of the famous golden arches in comparison. But there is still a fast-food element about it.
Go to SLAW, kick back, relax and spend time with your friends and family. What Ali has created is something that others have overlooked. SLAW offers a burger restaurant experience and it’s been a long time since we knew what we were missing.